iKlipz – Taking filmmaking one step further


This is for all you movie buffs… welcome to iKlipz, a free film-based community site that allows filmmakers to display their work and get recognized, and film lovers to watch and rate the movies, as much as they want. This site aims to bridge the gap between the aspiring filmmakers, the film industry and audiences.

iKlipz was founded by veterans of the Hollywood entertainment industry who believe in movies as forms of entertainment and communication, and want to give all movies the best opportunity to find their audience.

Things you could do at iKlipz

  • Screen independent and user-created feature films
  • Upload your own films and get them in front of a large group of enthusiasts
  • Meet up with friends and family to chat and keep in touch
  • Network with industry professionals
  • Discuss film and filmmaking
  • Create your very own “MyPage” mini site where you can express yourself and share your opinion, films, photos, and more!

How does this work?

  • SEE: This site allows you to check out some great films.
  • SHOW: You could upload your own original films, independent projects in an open venue and get recognized.
  • SHARE: Interact with your friends, family and others and get feedback on your work.

Get discovered by Hollywood’s most renowned companies!

iKlipz selects exciting new films chosen by the iKlipz Advisory Board, containing members from some of Hollywood’s most renowned companies like:

  • Miramax
  • Magnolia Pictures
  • Palm Pictures
  • ThinkFILM
  • First Look
  • Fox Searchlight
  • New Yorker Films
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Paramount Classics
  • MGM
  • United Artists

If you wish to be a part of this film-based community site, then click here to join. If you have more questions in mind, please visit their FAQ section.

Link: iKlipz