Politics in India goes Hi-tech; Advani Starts Blogging & Tweeting!

advani_adsense Recently the blogosphere was filled with stories about advertisement of political parties in Google Adsense. You must be aware that some eminent politicians even started blogging these days.

But blogging and getting advertised on adsense are not all those promotional works being carried out by political parties. Recently a twitter account was created named @lkadvani and there were rumors that, LK Advani personally reads all the tweets sent to him and many of his followers even say that, this twitter account is not created by LK Advani, rather some of his supporting group look after the account. Even Obama uses a twitter account – @BarackObama so what I was wondering, is L K Advani getting inspiration from Barack Obama?

Advertising, Blogging & Tweeting are not the only ways in which Advani is campaigning, he is also using SMS and E-mail as a tool to attract more and more youths.

Looking this promotions by politicians in India, specially by LK Advani, all I can say is they are following footsteps of Barak Obama. What do you think?

Update: It seems some one created a fake twitter profile in the name of L K Advani. You can view its Google Cached Page here.

Links: L K Advani – Blog | Twitter Cached Page | Website


p@r@noid January 18, 2009

Advani latest tweet “Vote for me”,

Pavan Kumar January 18, 2009

@ Rahul / Deepak

Remove advani twitter link.. its now 404…

Deepak Jain January 18, 2009

@ p@r@noid, Pavan
After publishing this post I found that the twitter a/c was deleted 🙂
Some was playing prank for sure!

VISHAL January 19, 2009

Twitter account does not exist… Remove link if possible 🙂

Deepak Jain January 19, 2009

Buddy as soon after seeing your comment I removed the twitter link on the content section but forgot to de-link it in the footer link. Its being done now 🙂

Yes buddy.. I’ve removed it.
Anyways thanks for bringing it into notice 🙂

Solid Blogger February 8, 2009

Soon, politicians will start doing TV show hosting for popularity…lolz