Send and Receive tweets via mail using TwitterMail!


Just came across this cool stuff – TwitterMail and found that it is very useful for tweeters.. By using this service, you can send tweets using any mail program. But you would surely say why should someone use mail program for tweeting leaving behind many user friendly applications. But, with my personal experience I would say it is really worth a try. It has several such features, which I think isn’t provided by any other twitter based app.

To start using this service, you need to register with TwitterMail with your existing twitter login and then they will provide you with a unique mail id, which you need to use to send tweets. The interface is too simple, you just need to send an email with your message on the body of the mail. What I like in TwitterMail is its support to schedule tweets.

Some of the advantages of TwitterMail are mentioned here:

  • Helpful when you use public computers with no twitter based app.. You need not sign into twitter separately.
  • You can send them tweets when is down, tweets will be published as soon as will be up
  • If you get a reply on twitter, they will be right in your inbox. Yes! All new replies will be sent to you via E-mail automatically.
  • To get recent tweets by your friends, you can send a mail with the subject line as "Friends".
  • Using TwitterMail you can send tweets with more than 140 characters.
  • All long URLs will be converted into short ones.

You can check the complete usage guide on TwitterMail’s official page. So just give it a try and also during partying next time, do not forget to schedule a tweet about your party. 😉 Happy tweeting!!

Links: TwitterMail | Usage guide