Who Follow Us : Application to Find your Followers on Facebook

According to Facebook privacy it’s tough to track who is visiting your Facebook profile. But there is a fun application which will let you know who is following you and interacting on your Facebook profile often. The name of application is “Who Follow Us”.

Link to application: Who Follow Us

The application claims that it is right and the results are analyzed on the basis of interactions you and your friends have, it may be wall post, comments, likes, sharing stuffs etc. It gives you the list of TOP 10 Followers. You can also find the top follower but for that you have to pay 2 points, which you can earn by their services.

I tried this application and it was fun to know who is following you. Here are the simple steps to check out stalkers on Facebook.

Check out how the application works:

  • Click on the link above to go to application. You can select the follower gender according to your wish.
  • Application You will get the results but to find Your top stalker you need 2 points. If you want to earn points click on “Click here for more points”.


  • Once you will click, you will be landed to a page where you can choose any option to earn points.

Earn Points

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Try out this application, you might find your “secret lover” and don’t forget to share your views about “Who Follow Us” application.