“Orkut Forum” is Back with Reward Program!

Orkut Forum Logo A year ago, a forum for Orkut users called Orkut Forum was started. I could not give it much time because of this blog and other projects. But some of our orkut community members showed interest in contributing to it, so Orkut Forum is back now.

Tanmay (godzown on orkutforum) took the the lead with few other members to bring back Orkut Forum to the life. As I am still not in position to give time for day-to-day activities at Orkut Forum,  I decided to distribute revenue generated by it among Orkut Forum users.

So under this beta reward program:

  • 5 posters will get all AdSense revenue with share of 30, 25, 20, 15 &10.
  • Kontera, Text-link-ads & other advertising revenue will be used for contest, bonus prizes, events, there.
  • Dreamhost referral program will be used to offset hosting bills. If referral program fails, I will bear all web-hosting, domain registration, etc cost.

I am promoting Orkut Forum at various blogs, sites, communities, groups, etc. Also a admin, I will be take care of all customization needed by a forum like spam protection, SEO, Google Analytics – Sitemap, etc. Of course, if you have earlier worked with phpBB and want to contribute in back-end activities, let us know! πŸ™‚

Also let us know if you have any suggestion for reward programs. Current reward program will be replaced by a better one in future.

Link: Join Orkut Forum


Johnson July 1, 2008

just a small debugging πŸ˜‰

please check the links in ur navbar at the top of the site where u have Home , Popular and all the other main links…

u will find the bug !

Rahul Bansal July 1, 2008

Yep… fixed it! Thanks for correction buddy. πŸ™‚

Gaurav July 2, 2008

Great Going Rahul πŸ˜€

Rahul Bansal July 3, 2008

Thanks buddy… πŸ™‚

avinash December 24, 2009

how forums are created generally, is there any code for the generation

Rahul Bansal September 1, 2011

You can use a plugin like http://bbpress.org/ if you are already using WordPress.
If you want to start independent forum – http://www.phpbb.com/ would be better choice.